News & Views

At HIAS Pennsylvania, we draw on the voices of so many people to give us strength: our clients, whose struggles here and abroad we need to understand; volunteers and interns, who reach beyond themselves to serve however they can; our donors, without whom we could not do our work; and our staff, who change lives every day. Listen with us. Add your voice to the ones you hear.

Weekly Wins Round-up: April 2022

Dear Friend of HIAS PA, On April 21st, President Biden announced the “Uniting for Ukraine” program; this will institute a streamlined… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-up: March 2022

Dear Friend of HIAS PA, On March 24th, President Biden declared that the United States would welcome 100,000 Ukrainian refugees… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-up: February 2022

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, We are devastated about the war in Ukraine, and all of the tragedy striking Kyiv and… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-up: January 2022

Dear Friend of HIAS PA, This month’s HIAS PA Wins newsletter is special. Why? Well, first, because two of our… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-up: December 2021

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, Happy new year! I hope you and your family are doing well and having a healthy… MORE

Giving Tuesday 2021: Hadi’s Story

“America accepts refugees because America is a refugee country.” -Hadi, Afghan refugee and HIAS PA client Hadi didn’t know the… MORE

Thankful Reflections

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, I feel invigorated and inspired after our spectacular Thankful Together event on Sunday! Thanks to all… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-Up: Autumn 2021

“All people are equal, not in terms of appearance, abilities, religion, but on the level of life itself. We are… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-Up: September 2021

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, Your generosity to the Afghan refugees over the past month has allowed us to immediately welcome… MORE

Holidays Around the World: Rosh Hashanah

Holidays Around the World! Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with HIAS PA As part of HIAS PA’s “Holidays Around the World” series,… MORE