Opportunities for Groups

Get Involved

We can do so much more to protect the rights and dignity of immigrants when we engage others in our work: supporters, community groups, and professionals

Ask for a Speaker

HIAS Pennsylvania is happy to participate in a virtual program for your congregation, organization, or place of business and talk about our services, our impact, and what everyone can do to protect the rights and dignity of immigrants. If interested in a speaker, please fill out our partnership request form or contact community@hiaspa.org.

Training Professionals

Professionals and staff in city agencies, schools, and nonprofit organizations increasingly face questions about the rights and special concerns of immigrants. HIAS Pennsylvania offers technical assistance to help providers serve the immigrant community effectively. We provide special trainings for domestic violence advocates, legal service providers, school personnel, and social workers, and more. To discuss a training event, please contact us at community@hiaspa.org.

Helping Immigrants Know Their Rights

HIAS Pennsylvania partners with schools, churches, and community groups to offer free legal screenings and Know Your Rights presentations in neighborhoods throughout the region.  This outreach empowers immigrants to advocate for themselves more effectively. If interested, please contact us at community@hiaspa.org.

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