News & Views

From Abuse to Self-Sufficiency: An Indonesian Woman’s Path to Independence

Merie has seen more than her share of struggles, but her strength and tenacity are what bring us to highlight… MORE

In The News: HIAS PA Know Your Rights Coordinator Discusses Collaboration

Gerardo Castillo Jimenez, HIAS PA’s Know Your Rights Coordinator, discusses the “PA is Ready!” collaboration with Project Libertad – an… MORE

In The News: How misinformation and fear keep Philly immigrants from accessing public benefits

Cathryn Miller-Wilson, executive director of HIAS PA, and other local experts clarify the degree to which benefits are actually available to immigrants… MORE

In The News: Refugee Thanksgiving Celebration

Last Sunday (11/18), HIAS PA hosted its annual Refugee Thanksgiving Celebration, welcoming dozens of refugees to their first Thanksgiving. Discover… MORE

ACTION ALERT: Advocate to ensure the Refugee Program is not dismantled

Call to Action The Administration just announced that they will only allow up to 30,000 refugees in the coming year. As friends… MORE

Stop the Administration from Dismantling the Refugee Resettlement Program

“…I would not be surprised if we just don’t have this program anymore,” —Jennifer Quigley, an advocacy strategist for refugee… MORE

How You Can Help Detained And Separated Immigrant Families In And Around Pennsylvania

1) Make your voice heard: Call your members of Congress at (202) 224-3121 and demand an end to family separation… MORE

6 Months since President Trump rescinded DACA: What Now?

Today, March 5, was supposed to be a deadline for Congress. Today was supposed to be the day that the… MORE