Weekly Wins Monthly Round-up: July
If anything has become painfully apparent in the past few months, it is that the simple can easily become complex—just… MORE
At HIAS Pennsylvania, we draw on the voices of so many people to give us strength: our clients, whose struggles here and abroad we need to understand; volunteers and interns, who reach beyond themselves to serve however they can; our donors, without whom we could not do our work; and our staff, who change lives every day. Listen with us. Add your voice to the ones you hear.
If anything has become painfully apparent in the past few months, it is that the simple can easily become complex—just… MORE
“I knew that I wanted to help my community the way HIAS PA helped my family.” -Michelle Nava We spoke… MORE
If there is one thing I have learned over these past couple of months, it is that we really are… MORE
Like you, I log onto my email these mornings with a mixture of dread and hope. Dread to learn of… MORE
Like hundreds of thousands of immigrants, Rosa* lost her job to COVID-19. Two advantages may help her survive: legal status… MORE
Each accompaniment is a brand new experience: volunteers meet new individuals, families, challenges, and rewarding moments every time. Appointment Accompaniment… MORE
You’ve seen Fredy’s story in pictures, now you can learn more: Fredy was born in a small village in Honduras…. MORE
Our youngest Emma Lazarus Legacy Member, Marli, sent in this explanation of why she decided to commit some of her… MORE
HIAS Pennsylvania attorneys Rachel Rutter and Stephanie Lubert led a delegation of 7 pro bono attorneys through HIAS National to… MORE