News & Views

At HIAS Pennsylvania, we draw on the voices of so many people to give us strength: our clients, whose struggles here and abroad we need to understand; volunteers and interns, who reach beyond themselves to serve however they can; our donors, without whom we could not do our work; and our staff, who change lives every day. Listen with us. Add your voice to the ones you hear.

Weekly Wins Round-Up: August 2021

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, The last two weeks of August reminded me, as if I could ever forget, that we… MORE

Meet Our Staff: Philippe Weisz

“As a Jew and as somebody who brings both my personal history and my family background to the work, working… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-up: July 2021

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, One of our staff members had the opportunity to visit the Ellis Island National Museum of… MORE

Meet Our Staff: Chloe Walton

“It’s a privilege and a challenge to be able to communicate with clients in a way that helps them understand… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-up: June 2021

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, On June 20th every year, we have the pleasure and honor of celebrating World Refugee Day,… MORE

Gay, Proud, and Secure: Illia’s Story

“Don’t let anyone keep you from being yourself.” Illia Matviienko, an LGBT client of HIAS PA’s Youth Team, spoke with… MORE

Meet Our Staff: Shaloo Jose

“I never thought that there was this side of law where we could make a difference in client’s lives, in… MORE

Watch It Now: What’s Really Happening at the Border?

Every year on June 6th we commemorate the MS St. Louis, a ship bearing refugees fleeing Nazi Germany which was… MORE

Weekly Wins Round-Up: May 2021

Dear HIAS PA Supporter, 50% of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated against COVID-19! What a way to… MORE

What’s Happening in the Refugee Program?

In recent weeks, continuing shifts in federal policy have kept refugees in the news. We asked Jenny LaMotte, manager of… MORE