News & Views

We Cannot Let Our Immigrant Neighbors be Scapegoated

There are two ways to approach a crisis. We can come together, as so many of you are, to volunteer… MORE

Three Ways to Advocate for Immigrants During COVID-19

During these difficult times, immigrants are often being made more vulnerable due to government policies. Here are three ways you… MORE

How COVID-19 Affects Immigrants, and How You Can Help

Learn more about how immigrants are affected by COVID-19, and what you can do to help!

HIAS Pennsylvania with ACLAMO Family Centers

HIAS Pennsylvania representatives Gerardo and Vleidmy speak with ACLAMO Family Centers about immigration and COVID-19.

Feature: Virtual Golden Door Awards

HIAS Pennsylvania’s 2020 Golden Door Awards: Keeping America’s Promise, like many events, is going virtual! Read more from Main Line… MORE

Agency Comment: EOIR Proposed Fee Hikes

The proposed fee hikes to immigration could prove disastrous to low-income immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees. Read the HIAS PA Agency… MORE

Love in the Time of COVID-19

The words in the title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s famous novel, “Love in the Time of Cholera”, couldn’t be more… MORE

HIAS Pennsylvania is Open for Business During the Outbreak of COVID-19

While taking appropriate precautions, including working remotely whenever possible, HIAS Pennsylvania staff is still working hard to help our clients,… MORE

Advocacy in the Time of COVID-19

Governments at all levels face a tsunami of need. All of us know that xenophobia skyrockets when illnesses spread. If… MORE

Volunteer Vignettes: Appointment Accompaniment Volunteer

Each accompaniment is a brand new experience: volunteers meet new individuals, families, challenges, and rewarding moments every time. Appointment Accompaniment… MORE