News & Views

Trump Administration’s Immigration Fees Would Hurt Immigrants in Philly and Nationwide

HIAS Pennsylvania Executive Director Cathryn Miller-Wilson’s thoughts on how the proposed fee hikes to immigration will prove to be dangerous… MORE

The Fee Hikes in the Works for Immigrants are Dangerous

HIAS Pennsylvania Executive Director Cathryn Miller-Wilson’s Op/Ed in the Jewish Exponent about how the recent proposed fee hikes could prove… MORE

Watch It Now: Ask Me Anything 7: The Supreme Court and DACA


In the News: Thanksgiving event gives immigrants a taste of American community

HIAS Pennsylvania’s Refugee Thanksgiving is one of our happiest and most fun events of the year. This year, over 200… MORE

Love, not hate.

A year later, we remember the 11 people who lost their lives at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh…. MORE

The Day After: Reflections About the Refugees that We Created

The current anti-immigrant rhetoric is more than dismaying. It is a loud and clear tolling of the white supremacy bell…. MORE

Watch It Now: Ask Me Anything 6: What is it like to be a Philly Neighbor?

In the News: Penn State Law Clinic Urges Pa. Public-Defender System for Immigrants Facing Deportation

“Immigration supporters say deportation can carry drastic consequences, including permanent family separation that harms spouses and children who are left… MORE

Watch It Now: Ask Me Anything 5: What Does the Public Charge Rule Mean for Immigrants?


Artist activists, policy lobbyists, early childhood educators: The great diversities in making a difference

“Drawing on insight earned through 137 years of inclusion and acceptance work, HIAS PA is advancing a campaign asking our congressional representatives… MORE