News & Views

The Race to Dismantle Trump’s Immigration Policies

The Race to Dismantle Trump’s Immigration Policies

The New Yorker By Sarah Stillman Why we recommend it: This piece uncovers and takes an in-depth look at the… MORE

Didn’t We Solve This One?

Didn’t We Solve This One?

This American Life Why we recommend it: We forget, sometimes, that some of the refugees we resettle are refugees because… MORE

A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka: A Memoir

A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka: A Memoir

By Lev Golinkin Why we recommend it: During the 1980s and 90s thousands of Jews left the Soviet Union to… MORE

Dear World: A Syrian Girl's Story of War and Plea for Peace

Dear World: A Syrian Girl’s Story of War and Plea for Peace

By Bana Alabed Why we recommend it: This story makes the Syrian War real. It heart-rendingly depicts the impact war… MORE

Dreams and Nightmares: I Fled Alone to the United States When I Was Fourteen

Dreams and Nightmares: I Fled Alone to the United States When I Was Fourteen

By Liliana Velasquez (HIAS PA former client), edited by Mark Lyons Why we recommend it: There are a lot of… MORE

NO SANCTUARY: In Philadelphia, it's open season on Undocumented Immigrants

NO SANCTUARY: In Philadelphia, it’s open season on Undocumented Immigrants

A ProPublica/Philadelphia Inquirer investigation by Deborah Sontag and Dale Russakoff Why we recommend it: This in-depth series describes the aggressive… MORE

When Deportation is a Death Sentence

When Deportation is a Death Sentence

The New Yorker by Sarah Stillman Why we recommend it: Many people do not understand that deportation isn’t just about… MORE

We Owe Central American Migrants Much More Than This

We Owe Central American Migrants Much More Than This

New York Magazine by Eric Levitz Why we recommend it: When the United States turns away Central Americans away from… MORE

Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.

Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.

Politico Magazine by David S. Glosser Why we recommend it: David Glosser is volunteer at HIAS PA, providing mental health… MORE

Let Me Count the Ways

Let Me Count the Ways

This American Life Why we recommend it: There are so many ways the current administration is going after immigrants, from… MORE