News & Views

Artist activists, policy lobbyists, early childhood educators: The great diversities in making a difference

“Drawing on insight earned through 137 years of inclusion and acceptance work, HIAS PA is advancing a campaign asking our congressional representatives… MORE

In the News: ‘Sanctuary city’ of Philadelphia joins program to provide migrants with lawyers — a key to who stays or gets deported

“The ‘sanctuary city’ of Philadelphia and a New York-based justice institute outlined a plan Tuesday to provide lawyers for undocumented… MORE

Carmen Guerrero: From survivor of kidnapping to Philadelphia immigrant leader

“Guerrero: I have collaborated with all the pro-immigrant and refugee organizations — PICC [Pennyslvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition], NSM [New Sanctuary Movement], Philaposh, Make the Road PA, HIAS… MORE

In the News: HIAS Pennsylvania Recognizes Six Refugee Services Providers

In the News: Agencies Plead for Greater Admission of Refugees

“Refugees are assets,” said Cathryn Miller-Wilson, executive director of HIAS PA. “They are investments in our economy. And in our… MORE

In the News: In Sessions’ asylum ruling, a court system unlike others

“This week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told immigration judges they could no longer grant asylum to most migrants who come… MORE

In the News: Pa. aid society honors young immigrant author for courage, determination

Author and former HIAS PA client, Liliana Vasquez, is honored at HIAS Pennsylvania’s Annual Golden Door Awards event. Read more… MORE

At Reading Terminal Market, cultures come together more than anywhere else in the city

Read more about HIAS Pennsylvania’s program where people from different cultures break bread and form friendships here.

Syrian refugees meet their Lower Northeast Neighbors at Reading Terminal Market Neighbors come together to break bread. Read more here.

Syrian refugees meet their Lower Northeast neighbors at Reading Terminal Market

Read more here.