News & Views

Weekly Wins Monthly Round-up: August 2020

To receive these Weekly Wins in your email, please subscribe to the HIAS Pennsylvania newsletter! The pandemic has placed the… MORE

As Trump Prepares Immigration Rally in Arizona, Over 170 Organizations Release ‘2021 Immigration Action Plan’, Offering Blueprint to Undo Damage Wrought by Trump, Transform America’s Immigration System

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 18, 2020 Contact: HIAS Pennsylvania 215-832-0900 As Trump Prepares Immigration Rally in Arizona, Over 170… MORE

8/13/2020 Public Charge Information Session (Presented in Spanish)


Únase a HIAS Pennsylvania, Ceiba y Consulmex Filadelfia para conocer la nueva regla de carga pública y el acceso de los inmigrantes a los beneficios públicos durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Presentado en español

Join HIAS PennsylvaniaCeiba, and Consulmex Filadelfia (Mexican Consulate of Philadelphia) to learn about the new public charge rule and immigrant access to public benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Presented in Spanish

Weekly Wins Monthly Round-up: July

If anything has become painfully apparent in the past few months, it is that the simple can easily become complex—just… MORE

Meet Our Staff: Michelle Nava

“I knew that I wanted to help my community the way HIAS PA helped my family.” -Michelle Nava We spoke… MORE

Help us #SaveAsylum

On July 9th, 2020, the federal Administration issued another new proposed rule in an attempt to gut the US asylum… MORE

Watch It Now: Ask Me Anything: The Racist Underpinnings of Immigration Law

As people become more aware of the underlying structural racism within many American institutions and its effects, it becomes even more essential to understand how structural racism affects every facet of American life.

Thomas O’Boyle Lecturer in Law at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, Fernando Chang-Muy, and HIAS PA’s Executive Director, Cathryn Miller-Wilson, discussed the intersection of racism and immigration law.

Watch it here!

HIAS PA Advocates for Immigrant Health During COVID-19

Meagan Hume, HIAS Pennsylvania’s Health Coordinator, spoke at the House Democratic Policy Hearing on COVID-19 Disparities on July 15th, 2020…. MORE

Weekly Wins Monthly Round-up: June

If there is one thing I have learned over these past couple of months, it is that we really are… MORE

Money restored for Philly program that provides legal counsel to immigrants

Thank you all for helping us #SavePaifup! Read more here.