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ACTION ALERT: Advocate to ensure the Refugee Program is not dismantled

Call to Action

The Administration just announced that they will only allow up to 30,000 refugees in the coming year. As friends of refugees, we know the challenges newcomers face are greater than ever. It is time to join together and call for an end to the reprehensible attacks on the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program.

We encourage you to take action by picking up the phone or using social media to urge your elected officials to do everything in their power to ensure that the United States does not take a mere 30,000 refugees in the face of one of the worst refugee crises ever. Instead, we should #Welcome75k refugees in fiscal year 2019. Sample scripts for phone calls and social media posts are available on this page.

If you have one minute, send a tweet to your PA Senators:

  • “@SenBobCasey @SenToomey Tell the White House to welcome at least 75,000 #refugees in fiscal year 2019, not 30,000. #Welcome75k #RefugeesWelcome #WeAreAllAmerica”

If you have five minutes, call your PA Senators’ offices and express your concerns:

  • Sen. Bob Casey (D) – (202) 224-6324 |@SenBobCasey
  • Sen. Pat Toomey (R) – (202) 224-4254 | @SenToomey

If you have ten minutes, also call your Representative and demand the United States continue to live up to the country’s founding ideals:

  • Rep. Robert Brady (D – Philadelphia 1st District) – (202) 225-4731 | @RepBrady
  • Rep. Dwight Evans (D – Philadelphia 2nd District) – (202) 225-4001 | @RepDwightEvans
  • Rep. Ryan Costello (R – Philadelphia 6th District) – (202) 225-4315 | @RepRyanCostello
  • Rep. Brendan Boyle (D – Philadelphia 13th District) – (202) 225-6111 |@RepBrendanBoyle

If you have fifteen minutes, call or tweet at Mayor John Kenney and thank him for standing with immigrants and refugees:

  • Mayor James Kenney (D – Philadelphia, PA) – 215-686-2181 | @PhillyMayor

If you have twenty five minutes, call or tweet at influential members on the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Urge the Committee members to continue pushing to meet with President Trump before the Presidential Determination for Refugee Admissions FY19 are made:

  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R – Chairman) – 202-224-3744| @ChuckGrassley
  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D – Ranking Member) – 202-224-3841 | @SenFeinstein
  • Sen. Christopher Coons – (D – Member from DE) – 202-224-5042 | @ChrisCoons
  • Sen. Cory Booker – (D – Member from NJ) – 202-224-3224 | @SenBooker

If you have a half an hour, call Governor Wolf and encourage him to speak out about the Presidential Determination for Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2019:

  • Gov. Tom Wolf (D – Pennsylvania) – 717-787-2500 |@GovernorTomWolf

Sample script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I urge you to protect the refugee resettlement program. I am outraged that President Trump has set a new historic low for FY 2019’s refugee admissions goal at 30,000. Protecting vulnerable populations is not a zero-sum game; we can and should protect refugees and others fleeing violence or persecution. Refugee resettlement facilitates U.S. diplomatic, national security, and foreign policy interests. The White House is also required to consult with Congress prior to setting the refugee admissions number, but they have not done so. Congress must act. I urge you to do everything in your power to see the administration resettle at least 75,000 refugees in 2019 and to stop the administration from further dismantling the resettlement program. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement.”

Additionally, you can use Social Media to amplify #Welcome75k on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Tweet at other government officials:

The President @realDonaldTrump, Vice President Mike Pence @VP, the Secretary of State Popeo
@SecPompeo, and the Secretary of Defense #SecDef Mattis

Tweet Samples:

  • @SecPompeo just announced the LOWEST refugee admissions goal in history – 30k – putting the lives of vulnerable families in danger. We will not stand for this. @SenToomey
  • We’re facing the largest global refugee crisis in record history, with more than 68 million people displaced from their homes. Over 25 million are refugees, including those fleeing because of their religion and political opinion. Our country CAN & SHOULD #Welcome75k in FY19. @VP
  • @SenToomey We also urge you to support the continued arrival of Special Immigrant Visa holders from Iraq and Afghanistan. These brave and committed have played a critical role to our national security and should be afforded opportunities for safety and protection.
  • @SenToomey Investing one dollar in helping refugees get started can yield nearly two dollars in economic benefits within five years, according to a study conducted by Open Political Economic Network think tank. Refugees also boost innovation in US companies.

We also encourage you to check out to learn about more ways to make your voice heard to protect refugees.